wtorek, 21 maja 2019

Outside the Old Town

Piłsudskiego 12
Monumentis patriae naufragio ereptis
Native monuments saved from the historical storm. 
The Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum
Wenecja 1
Pax tibi Marce Evangelista meus
Peace to you, Mark, my Evangelist.  
The tenement house called 'the Venetian House' comes from the 20th century. Above the entrance gate there is a mosaic of the winged lion - the symbol of Venice. This street is named 'Venice'.
Retoryka 7
Ars longa vita brevis
Art is long, life is short
The tenement house comes from the 19th century. The Latin sentence was translated by Horace of a phrase from Hippocrates Ό βίος βραχύς, ή δέ τέχνη μακρή, its Latin version is in the Seneca's treaty 'De brevitate vitae' (L) (On the shortness of life).

Festina lente
Make haste slowly
The second sentence on the same tenement house is the most favourite Emperor's Octavianus Augustus saying quoted by Suetonius in 'De vita Caesarum' (II, 25 – Divus Augustus) (The lives of the Caesars, The Life of Augustus), but the Roman Emperor,  according Suetonius, used the Greek version: σπεύδε βραδέως, accordingly Latin 'Festina lente'. 
Retoryka 9 
Faber est suae quisque fortunae
Each person is the architect of his own fortune.
The tenement house comes from the 19th century. The maxim is a fragment of a lost poem by Appius Claudius Caecus. He was a Roman consul twice and a famous censor. He was also the author of the set of maxims. 
Zwierzyniecka 15
Deus si nobiscum quis contra nos
If God is for us who can be against us.
The tenement house comes from the 20th century. A quotation is from Saint Paul,  Romans (8, 31). You can see the same quotation on the Wawel Hill and Karmelicka 35
Karmelicka 19
Per angusta ad augusta
Through adversity to greatness
The building comes from the 14th century. The inscription is above the gate of the Carmelites monastery. 
Karmelicka 35
Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos 
If God is for us who can be against us.
The tenement house comes from the 19th century. A quotation is from Saint Paul,  Romans (8, 31). You can see the same quotation on the Wawel Hill and Zwierzyniecka 15.
Rynek Kleparski 15 / św. Filipa 16 
The corner house comes from the 20th century. Under this address there are three sentences two Latin and one Greek.
Rynek Kleparski 15  
Per multis suis peregrinationibus rei aedificandi peritus.
During his many travels in the art of building experienced. 
św. Filipa 16 
Amor patriae suprema lex esto.
Let love of the nativeland be the supreme law  
Νοΰς πάντα διεκόσμησεν
[read: Nus panta diekosmesen] 
Mind arranged everything 
The only one for now Greek maxim found on the walls of Cracow.
Helclów 2, The House of Seniors 
On the mould of the first floor there are 5 inscriptions, the quotations from the Bible,
Misericordes misericordiam consequentur. Mat.V.7
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Exaudita est oratio tua et elemosynae tuae commemoratae sunt in conspectu Dei.  
Ac. Ap. X. 31
Your prayer has been heard and your gifts to the poor have been remembered before God.
Estote misericordes. Luc. VI. 36 
Be merciful
Nomen  eorum vivit in generationem et laudem sunt in eorum nuntiet ecclesia.  
Eccle XLIV. 14.15
...but their name liveth for evermore ... and the congregation will shew forth their praise.
Pauper et inops laudabunt nomen tuum.   Psal. LXIII. 21
The poor and needy shall praise thy name.
Radziwiłłowska 8 b 
Vivos  voco
I call the living
An old church bell inscription is on the cartouche on the facade of the first floor. Radziwiłłowska 8b is just around the corner of the building Radziwiłłowska 8. 
Rakowicka 27, the University of Economics                 
Ora et labora
Pray and work
Saint Benedict's maxim is above the main entrance to the University of Economics.This is the motto of the Benedictine Order. 

University of Economics  (the main entrance)

The Rakowice Cemetery, Rakowicka 26
 Beati qui in domino moriuntur.
  Blessed who in the Lord die.
This sentence is on the facade of the cemetery chapel. The Rakowice cemetery is the largest and the most famous cemetery in Cracow.

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