wtorek, 21 maja 2019

On the Wawel Hill

Two sentences  are in the inner courtyard on the galleries of the first floor:
Respice finem     
Look in the end.                                                                    
It is a fragment of the ancient maxim.
Exitus acta probat
The ending proves the deeds.
A quotation is from Ovid, 'Heroides' (II, 85)
Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos
If God is for us who can be against us.
The inscription is above the entrance gate to the courtyard, from the side of the cathedral. A quotation is from Saint Paul,  Romans (8, 31). You can see the same inscription Karmelicka 35 and Zwierzyniecka 15  
Domine, dilexisti decorem domus tu(a)e, non nobis, non nobis, sed nomini tuo.
Lord, you loved the majesty of your house, not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name.

The sentence is a frieze around the chapel. It is located under the golden dome. The inscription is a combination of two psalms: 25 and 115. The verse from the psalm 25,8: Domine, dilexisti decorem domus tuae (Lord, you loved the majesty of your house) and the verse of the  psalm 115,1: Non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam (Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name).  
Corpora dormiunt, vigilant animae
Bodies sleep, awake minds 

The inscription crowns the canopy above the descent to the crypt. According to the legend: three ghosts wander around the royal cathedral at night, groan and beg for prayer. They all return to their graves at dawn. 
Exaltare super caelos Deus et super omnem terram gloria tua.
I am under vows to you, God, I will present my thank offerings to you
It is a fragment of the psalm 56,6. It is situated on the cartouche, very high up on the clock tower. This is visible from the approach of the side of Kanonicza street.
The approach to the Wawel Hill from the Bernardyńska Street   

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